Aligning Municipality and Builder Objectives

Municipalities play a huge role in tackling the housing crisis. The ability to motivate and attract affordable housing into their communities and core to the long-term viability of their constituency. The affordability of homeownership and rentals dictate the ability to attract and maintain businesses and workforces.

The Self Funding House® Municipality Program is the pathway forward, generating a Win-Win scenario for

  1. Municipalities
  2. Builders
  3. Homebuyers

Municipalities Are In The Driver’s Seat


Our Program focuses on achieving the municipal housing objectives, and more, while accomplishing the business objectives of the builder/developer. Connect with us to see exactly how The Self Funding House® concept is the connection point and a pathway to achieving housing commitments or goals, for new housing and rental units—both are achievable!

If improved tax revenues, providing affordable housing, attracting new businesses, and being a progressive municipal body, are important to you and your team, learn more about The Self Funding House® Municipality Program today!