The Self Funding House

Today’s Affordability


for homebuyers, builders, and investors


“The Self Funding House™ is one of the two key strategies for solving our housing crisis!”

Benjamin Tal

Deputy Chief Economist, CIBC

Featured in THE GLOBE AND MAIL, April 24, 2024

I’m a builder and want to learn about The Self Funding House™ Developer Program

Proven Solution, System & Strategy

Home ownership is possible in today’s market


Does buying a house in today’s economic conditions seem too big of a stretch? Both builders and buyers are uncertain about today market and a NEW solutions is needed for both resales and new construction!


With a new mindset, it’s possible to rekindle the dream of home ownership! Imagine a system, complete with access to resources and industry experts to guide you through the process.


It’s time for a unique buying experience for a product that vastly opens home ownership to huge and diverse segments of the population—affordability equals sales!

Affordability Mindset: treat your home as a business by becoming a landlord!

Affordabiliity by Increasing Your Buying Power

Housing prices will most liklely never come down to the point of affordability and incomes just can’t seem to keep pace with icreases in costs. What is the solution?

Impacting Your Household Income with

The Self Funding House™




Positive Cashflow


Representation of Household Income needed to support the average $750,000 house, based on CMHC recommendation of one third of income towards housing. Mortgage qualifications are unique for each person and circumstances, and are determined by financial institutions.

Creating Affordable Rentals

With supply low and rent costs high, there is a desparate need for affordable rents. Until now, many Canadians have to turned to renting, rather than buying a house. This, coupled with being a country dependent upon immigration, creates a huge demand for rentals (high demand = higher rents). 

Rental units created by The Self Funding House™ concept rent at considerably lower rates than apartments of similar size—somtimes almost by half!

Municipalities can tackle affordability for both ownership and rentals with The Self Funding House™


Rekindle the dream of home ownership


The best in-demand solution and best pivot from condo investments

Home Builders

Looking for a system to build and sell more homes, today?


Looking to scale your business, related to home sales?


The Self Funding House™ is a one-stop solution to affordability for owners and renters.”

Dr. Murtaza Haider

 Professor, Real Estate Management Toronto Metropolitan University

Featured in the FINANCIAL POST, May 8, 2024

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